Our online store offers its customers a very rich collection of historical jewelry replicas. A large part of the assortment is based on the archaeological finds discovered in the Viking age. The offer includes many models of necklaces, rings, pendants and even beard beads. Moreover, history enthusiasts will find hand-forged amulets, medallions and talismans with mythical and Slavic animals important, for example, in Slavic folklore.
The symbol of the God of the Sun or the symbol of rune stones are just some examples of our Viking jewelry replica. Our store offers accessories with, among others, Thor's hammer, the Celtic cat, the Slavic God of Sky and Thunder, and with the letters of the Greek alphabet. Depending on individual preferences, the customer can choose a replica of historical jewelry made of silver, bronze, gold or even buffalo bone. The entire collection of historical jewelry replicas available on the website is made by hand with attention to every detail, at the customer's individual request. Therefore, the time of order execution may take up 2 to 3 weeks.